Is Start-up Weekend the Best Matchmaker?

With the popularity of programs like Startup Weekend and 24 hour hackathons, it is becoming common for entrepreneurs to start building something with a bunch of random people and then afterwards decide they are all going to start a company together. 

Starting a company is a big deal, it’s dangerously close to a marriage. One of the most important decisions you make is who will be on the team, so when you’re thinking about partnering up, consider the following:

  • How much do I know about this person? Do I know who they truly are?
  • What are their past experiences? Do others speak highly of their work?
  • What are their values?

Ultimately, it is tricky to get the answers to all of those questions. I say, give it a try for a little while with no-strings-attached… see how everything works before you sign the papers.

Ideally, you want a mix of different strengths and weaknesses with less overlap. I.e. my partner is a rockstar hacker and I can sell water to a well. Creating balance and leveraging people’s core competences are keys to building a great team.

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