Living with your parents… is… AWESOME

I recently finished a semester-long co-op and have decided to spend the summer starting a new tech company with another student from Duke. After careful consideration, we decided to both live at home with my parents for the summer so we can focus 100% on what we are building (more details on that later).

With the Northeastern co-op schedule, I haven’t lived at home since I graduated high school. What I am quickly discovering though is that for a bunch of 20 year olds writing cool software, living at home can be fantastic

  • It’s free! My parents know that if we end up with $millions from the company we’ll send some their way.
  • Food. I’ve been cooking (attempting to cook) while living on my own for co-op, but oh man is it great to have home cooked meals every night.
  • We can focus literally 100% on our company – no need to worry about bills, driving, getting furniture etc. We wake up and code. 

I always hear that a potential drawback of following the entrepreneurial path is having to worry about forgone paychecks to cover cost of living. I can’t think of a more effective way to combat this at the college age then moving back home.

Bottom line for college entrepreneurs and recent graduates:

Give up your freedom and go live with your parents if it is a viable option in your family. Focus your time and energy on building something great.

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